Tuesday, April 14, 2009

when i was a young boy

I dont ever write in this. I do apologize. Numerous grande events have occurred in the time that has passed since the last post, way too many to remember, but surely among the notable were the trip to Milan, also known as the best week of my life, and the long struggle through to Easter break, which is happening as i speak. My situation right now: sitting at the enormous dinner table, windows open and nattie light filling the air, alone in this house, my host family off on some distant beach in the desert, and im nursing a bit of a sore head from last night, but overall im the happiest of the easter clams. I only just got back yesterday, this whole weekend ive been away in Galatina (a neighboring town, which looks like it should be on the seaside but isnt) with the family of my host dads sister. Jacopo, their firstborn child, is thirteen and hangs out with large herds of kids that look younger then him but make a lot more noise and are very very middle school. But nice kids, who basically spun my head around with all their faux english questioning and such. All the girls were just so enchanted by my tall american blondness, and Jacopo tells me "Funzionare!". Word. So my prepaid wireless is full of numbers to girls in this little town whose names i cant match to the faces. But anyway, Jacopo and i excuse ourselves from the umpteenth gathering of excited children, and we go to the easter church service, starting at no earlier then eleven pm. I was actually pretty interested in it, because we all got to light little candles that dont drip wax on your hand, and the preists sut off all the lights in this huge ancient church, and its really atmospheric and a little bit creepy, with the chanting and the jesus all backlit in this dark musty chiesa and everyones breathing and then they kill the mood and switch all the lights back on and we have to stand there for the next two hours. and im no good christian, but i was being a good spot about it, but jacopo starts nodding off after like fifteen minutes so we edge out of there in search of the car. The next few days i spent at the beach house of the family friends, everyone together feasting far too much, with this awful storm raging all around the pier, because you know we were really on the tip of italy, so all the wind and clouds break on that little town of Leuca from all the farthest reaches of the Mediterranean. I mentioned we ate far too much delicious food, what else was there to do. But i did get back to sleepy Lecce, for a fun evening where Andreas and i went out and found this bar run by this enormous man with NO neck, just fat, but he fixed us up with these little glasses with green stuff in it, that hey you can light on fire! little fairy on the bottle. Warms you right up. Outside i met this blonde young woman who talked to me in english very well who was here with her international friends and we talked all over the place and she conceded that america is better then italy and we went around the whole night and andreas got philosophical, which proves right there that he has come 180. And now to figure out how to download music, more skins, and then to go out for some fruit and no study. i always want