Friday, July 25, 2008

The Woiks

Now then, i have at long last found out with whom and where i am going to be livin! Lecce is the place, and from what i've heard, its hhaat and conspicuous and mafia-oriented. Meaning that i can get my hopes up for some skin pigmentation, and that i should look into guns to protect myself. Or better still i should take up running again, for who knows what slick, maroon wearing Luigi i will piss off with my typical american dispicability. In the high likelihood i get jumped by a gang of southern ruffians i can bet my ass i'll have to sprint outta the ghetto to safe, tourist infected areas. On another totally positive note, it appears to me that my family knows not even a speck of english (what the fuck, don't they have to learn that shit in like third grade!?) and as such i'm gearing up for a long, long year of confusion in the homestead. They will not know what the hell I'm trying to say to them and vice versa, so when i come back im more likely going to be really good at hand signals then italian. But from what i got out of the letter they sent, they sound like huggy, good-natured people. my new parents seem to have more then one home, and i think to myself "Fuck Yeah!"
on that note i resolve not to write another word until i'm sitting in one of those homes, a bit more then two months from now...
A presto!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

I am actually doing this

Today I made a blog, it is a good idea for staying connected when i'm away. This way you can hear all about what you're missing and what exquisite things are happening with my quasi new life. I don't know where i'm even going, but the mountain of information being thrown at me about italian culture is telling me that it doesn't matter, italy is not america. Italy is cuh-lassy as fuck and i'm not allowed to say 'nigga' there. This blog here is also probably the predecessor to my 'friend blog' that Elissa devised, not to be confused with my 'general blog' for people who only need the censored version of my year. This is the one where the magic happens... here you can hear about le ragazze italiani, li festi, and of course your favorite male now-european counterpart, emmett.
The name will be changed!
so i'll let you know